Dash was at her cubicle when the pile of papers on her desk suddenly flurried into a dance as a gust of wind went by her desk.
Looking up, Dash realises that 原来那阵风是美凤!(translation: it was only mf who had sped by [mf=mei foong, and "foong" in Chinese Hanyu Pinyin is also written as "Wind"] : )
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Another possible character based on hanyu pinyin is 疯..
And going by how Qing dynasty called their servants, I'm 小疯子! :p
Dash will join mf!
One possible character based on Siok's hanyu pinyin is 梳 (translation: comb). So Dash can be小梳子 (translation: little comb) to help comb mf's messy hair when she is 小疯子 (translation: little crazy)! kekek
Ok, mf can use dash to comb her meh's wool too : ) glad to be of humble (civil) service
Ahhh, so sweet! :)
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