One of Dash's favourite Swiss cities is Bern. This city was founded in 1191 by Count Berchtold V of Zähringen. Legend has it that the Count's very first hunt kill was a bear. Hence a bear appeared on the city's coat of arms. For the past two Fridays, Dash was at Bern in search of some adventures and interesting sights : )
Just outside the Bern train station, Dash was pleasantly surprised to find a bear walking the tightrope high in the sky! Oooh :D
Since the city was built in the 12th century, there were bear pits at Bern. And yes, the bear pits are still there today. With real live bears! And Schizo-Bear had the opportunity to say Hi to his fellow bears :D
And later after a leisure walk up on a hill, Schizo-Bear found a walnut for his bear friend :D (Historical records showed that way back in the 12th century, the inhabitants of Bern used to bring walnuts to the bears in the bear pits.)
Beary Dash
By the way, Einstein lived at Kramgasse 49, Bern. Where he began work and developed his Special Theory of Relativity, yes, that E=mc square. What a wonderful city! : )
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