Sunday, June 29, 2008

when ilya makes pancakes for breakfast

precision is necessary.

and so ilya measures out the milk, eggs and sifts the pancake mix in a big bowl. stirs them up well in a consistent batter.

at the frying pan section of the kitchen, a battered up pancake simmers.

and when the edge curls, that's when you make the decisive flip.
decisive is key.

while all this is on-going, a bottle of maple syrup sits in a hot tub.
warming up after a night in the cold of the fridge.

and the coffee machine gives a polite ahem after a splutter.
coffee's ready too! ( :

and voila! ilya makes dash a happy breakfast of pancakes! ( :

with a little pat of butter melting on top of the hot pancake, and a generous soaking of maple syrup.


and now dash can totally understand why hellboy loves pancakes! yes, it is enough to make one want to fight on the side of humanity! ( :

and here is just a pacman lookalike pancake! ( :

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