Wednesday, January 28, 2009

quick sketch of the loeb classical library logo

annika gave dash a collected works of lucian for christmas. reading the dialogues provides a timely reminder of mortality and humility (:
"(the dead) philosopher: what about you then, mennippus? off with your independence, plain speaking, cheerfulness, noble bearing, and laughter. you're the only one that laughs.
(the dead) hermes: do nothing of the sort, but keep them, mennipus; they're light and easy to carry, and useful for the voyage. but you, rhetorician, throw away your endless loquacity, your antitheses, balanced clauses, foreign phrases, and everything that makes your speeches so heavy."


Lucia said...

What an interesting excerpt ... maybe I should read Lucian too!

(I thought I'd comment to let you know I'm reading. I recently discovered Google Reader, and now I can follow blogs!)

Dash said...

kekek mmm! lucian is really cool! :) thanks so much for your gifts!

and YYYYAAAAAAAAYYYY! we have at least a farber who was there in washington during obama's taking of office! :) it's a historical moment!!