Sunday, February 07, 2010

And so, what is the story here?

Dash found this food bib at IKEA one afternoon, and wondered about the story of the two characters on the bib. Hrm, you have a sad-looking kid in blue with a balloon, and a more cheerful-looking kid in red who has his/her outstretched hand towards the kid in blue. So why does the kid in blue mope, and what is the kid in red doing?

And so, Dash has two hypotheses:

Hypothesis #1: The kid in blue has been waiting for such a long time for someone (possibly the kid in red), and hence the emo expression on his/her face. And the kid in red was walking over to say hello, or had just arrived for the appointment.

Hypothesis #2: The kid in red had just tapped the head of the kid in blue playfully, hence explaining the flying motion of the hair on the kid in red (and also possibly the "huh?!" expression on the kid in blue).

Dash is still unsure how either of the stories would relate to the "IKEA Food" theme. Neither of the kids are food, nor are the kids enjoying food of any kind.

Hrm, very odd. O_O

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