Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Above is Dash's sketch of a whale brimming with ideas - and inspired by her new onomatopoeia "whhhaaarrrh?" exclaim when she washed her hands this morning.

Of course, the readers may ask why - did Dash accidentally scald herself by turning on the tap with hot water instead of the one with cold water? Or was it the shock upon being greeted by her mirror reflection with the extremely mussed up bed hair? No, no. One only wished that it was simpler. The existentialist cry was motivated by the discovery of a paper cut on her thumb!

And why would Dash have a paper cut on her thumb, the readers may ask next. All because of Dash taking her housemate's advice to read a book (instead of playing on her nintendo DS lite). So while multi-tasking to both hold her book to read and falling asleep, Dash managed to substain a paper cut - and a rather deep one at that - on her left thumb! O_O

A quick foray on the bed sheets by Dash has her also finding her book companion last night "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" with a major fold on the book cover - just like the ear of an African elephant! One could only hazard a guess that when Dash rolled over in her sleep, the book too suffered a fold. =_=

Now, who was it who suggested that Dash bring a book to bed for a read instead of her nintendo DS lite?!

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