Sunday, September 26, 2010

Here's one more pint-sized owl, postcard-sized, to join in with the others : )

Somehow the owl seemed on the alert for the next interesting sight/sound reminds me of Maddie - I can so imagine the owl whipping out its camera to capture a picturesque moment, probably involving Luna or Master Tom ^_^ So this one is for you three, dear Maddie, Luna and Master Tom! : )

(This one is painted on a postcard meant for sending off. When Siok first bought the stack of empty postcards, she thought it a good idea to make a quick painting and send off to another friend - 3 hours after the purchase, it occurred to her that if the postcard was delivered in the rain, then the colours would all run! O_o Alright, now, let's see if we can find something to make the watercolours water-proof at the art supplies place! : )


Maddie said...

Thank you so much Siok I love our little owl with glasses! I can't remember the last time I was compared to such a beautiful creature! And all the other owls you painted have characters that pop off the page! I'd say you're on an owl roll...."who" will be the next one?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Maddie! :D Yeah, I just have two more owls from last weekend to upload and then I think I shld be moving on to another creature : )