Our SPRD Alumni arrived at the party with cakes (three! Mocha, Green Tea and Cheese cakes!) as well as coffee and tea. Dash suspects that Joyce brought the coffee hotpot for Leonard, anticipating that Leonard wld enjoy a hot cuppa before lunch. And boy was she right! : )
After the yummilcious lunch at SPRD's floor warming party, this incidental reporter has learnt 8 more things about SPRDians as well as SPRD Alumni again:
1. The carbon-based bipedal species with XY chromosome combination of SPRD wld prefer to be seated among their kind for male bonding.
2. Yoga is a Spongebob Squarepants. (Dash's email reminder indicated "Be (t)here, or be (Spongebob) Square(pants)!" And Yoga didn't come for our party. Dash's guess is that he was auditioning for some Bollywood movie. Hmmm.)
3. No one wld mistake Roy's vehicle as a potential carrier for weapons non-friendly to Singapore. No terrorist handbook (current 2006 edition) wld ask their cell members to use such a vehicle (Mercedes Sports series!) for transportation.
4. Ms Ortega is a biology major. Don't play play ar! She can differentiate mollusses, crustaceans, amphibians and reptiles! And she can knows what a molass can say to a sea cucumber! (Better than Marlin, Nemo's dad!)
5. SPRDians know alot about underwear - from (male and female) G-strings to push-up bras. Hmmm.
6. Joyce misses Leonard. And Leonard misses Joyce esp with her curls. And their relationship has taken one more step closer to marriage : ) Congratulations!
7. Ruth, Douglas, Rosie and Leonard really knows a good deal - Check out the ten course lunch menu!
8. When SPRDians want to raise the decibel of the floor to above 60 (beyond the usual 10 decibels) they can : ) [10 decibel = human breathing; 60 decibels = office. This 60 decibels does not include Stacey and Wai Yee's conversation across the cubicle walls : )
So Jason, we had hoped you cld be here with us. But your teaching duties took you away from the party. But still, Mr Ng, Happy Teachers' Day! : )
[Afternote: Ms Ortega just walked over to inform Dash that the term ought to be "mollusses", NOT "molasses". Oops, sorry cher! :P)
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