Thursday, September 07, 2006




Anonymous said...

this is very nice. can you draw a penguin for me?

Anonymous said...

strangely touching....

go check it out!

mf said...

Why is Bear standing under the night skies by himself?? Like I walk back under the starry skies sometimes..

I like this :)

Anonymous said...

kekeke cos bear is just found itself standing under the stars : ) yah, dash likes it too : ) thanks!

Anonymous said...

bohtuckchey, oh dear, dash find noah's eyes strangely hypnotic!

Anonymous said...

meidushu, will do! penguins are nice. Yes, one in remembrance of Togo the penguin (the one stolen from the UK zoo last dec).

Dash read about Togo's misfortune (or rather misfortunate name) in Taipei last Dec. The thief may hv thought that Togo was "To Go", so took Togo! Sigh