Saturday, June 12, 2010

Animals' expressions in nature that tell you NOT to approach them

On Dash and Ilya's first trip (with our friend Naga : ) to the Singapore Science Centre last Sunday, Dash found this annoyed-looking octopus on the plush toy shelf. And yes, already looking evidently annoyed amongst the other cheerful dophins, fishes and as if to add salt to the wound, when Dash found him, there was even a brightly sparkling and smiling starfish perched on top of annoyed-looking octopus. O_O

So Dash *just* had to rescue the annoyed-looking octopus from his seemingly miserable existence on the shelf. : )

Here in our house, annoyed octopus now has a new vocation - to invade new spaces and examine new gadgets...

In the above photo taken on Monday morning, annoyed-looking octopus found a tea thermometer on Ilya's desk and spent some time examining this new implement : ) Meantime, Dash and Ilya just had to do with estimating the temperature of their teas by the size and regularity of bubbles and the steam from the boiling waters... Till the annoyed-looking octopus moves on to his new finds!

Stay tuned for more adventures of annoyed-looking octopus : )


Maddie said...

Since you are now the owner of a pet octopus I thought I would remind you of one of their tricks when they try to blend in and then are watch out!

Dash said...

WOW! That was such a cool video! The octopus is such an amazing creature!

Yeah, I will steer clear of annoyed-looking octopus : ) He has quite an expression, hasn't he? : )